By:Josefina Lukas

THE Ministry of Health and Social Services says it has discovered that lead exposure recorded in children at Rosh Pinah in the //Kharas region does not pose any health risks.
About two months ago, the ministry together with other stakeholders commissioned an investigation into concerns over lead exposure in children and newborns at the town.
This came after 10 cases of chronic lead exposure were detected in children between the ages of one and 12 at Rosh Pinah and Luderitz.
Lead exposure or poisoning can cause brain damage, paralysis, and renal failure.
It may also have an impact on the reproductive system, as well as growth and IQ, particularly in youngsters.
The lead in question is said to be coming from a contaminated area operated by Trevali Mining Corporation, the company that has been mining lead and zinc at the town for years.
Landless People’s Movement parliamentarian Henny Seibeb claimed the company, previously known as Rosh Pinah Zinc Mine, has been covering up possible lead contamination to avoid accountability.

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